Friday, 11 July 2008

Personal Work
Gouache on paper

Monday, 30 June 2008

Personal Work
Illustration for an article about a lawyer
that gathered in a bank the familly of a deceaced man.
Expecting to find money inside the vault, the familly, to their amazement,
discovered that the deceaced man had played a practical joke on
them and had left them nothing!
Gouache on paper

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Personal Work
Illustration for an article in the IHT
about the continuance of the genocide in Darfur and
the absebce of will by the UN security council to help stop it
Gouache on paper
Personal Work
Illustration for an article in the IHT
about the SUV era drawing to a close
Gouache on paper

Friday, 27 June 2008

Personal Work
Illustration for an article about a young girl
getting lost in the Athens underground during the 1960's
Gouache on paper

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Personal Work
Carricature Revised
Acrylic and Gouache on paper
Personal Work
My version of Van Gogh's 'Man with Beard' Revised
Acrylic and Gouache on paper

Friday, 20 June 2008

Personal Work
Guache illustration for an article in the IHT
'Fighting for Turkey's soul'
By Zeyno Baran
Personal Work
Gouache illustration for an article in the IHT
'The Great Seduction'
By David Brooks
The article talks about the finacial decadence of America

Personal Work
Gouache illustration for an article in the IHT
'An American in Seoul'
By Gabe Hudson
Personal Work
Illustration showing the 'greyness of the city' in contast
with nature's colours represented in the bird

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Personal Work
Advertisment illustration for a
ficticious surfboard brand. Acrylic

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Indian ink and Photoshop

Pensil and Photoshop

Pencil and Photoshop

Pencil and Photoshop

Pencil and Photoshop

Pencil and Photoshop

Pencil and Photoshop

Pencil and Photoshop

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Illustration for an article about the first Greek ex-pat football player to return to Greece from Moscow
in order to paly for Heracles in 1975 - Pencil to be coloured in Photoshop

Illustration for an article about a couple stumbling upon a beauty pagent in a village
in the middle of the Amazon jungle - Pencil to be coloured in Photoshop

Illustration for an article about an engaged man searching for sex on the internet
Pencil to be coloured in Photoshop

Illustration for an article about the survival of a woman in a Nazi concentration camp in Athens
Pencil to be coloured in Photoshop

Illustration for an article about four flight attendants wrongfully
arrested by the Saudi police for spying on a closely guarded oil refinery
Pencil to be coloured in Photoshop

Illustration for an article about two twins who descovered they could communicate
with each other when they were far apart - Pencil to be coloured in Photoshop
Illustration for an article about a woman getting into a regular car with the unforgetable
Ayrton Sena - Pensil to be coloured in Photoshop

Monday, 28 April 2008

Personal Work
Mock Poster Illustration for the Bologna Children's Book Fair
Acrylic and Ink 24cm x 21cm

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Personal Work
Mock theatre play poster illustration
21cm x 25cm Acrylic

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Personal Work
Poster Illustration for a fictitious play
21cm x 25cm, Acrylic and pen
Personal Work
Illustration showing how the USA is being weighed down by the war in Iraq
while China is climbing upwards.
21cm x 25cm, Acrylic, colour pencil and pen
Personal Work
Illustration showing how the Greek people have always been turning
against one another exhibiting petty behaviour and selfishness.
21cm x 25cm, Acrylic and pen

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Greek theatre mask
Watercolour and colour pencil

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

My version of Van Gogh's 'old man with beard' painting
Acrylic 21cm x 25cm

Monday, 10 March 2008

Here's the paiting in acrylics and colour pencil
21cm x 25cm

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Pencil caricature of a made-up person
Will probably proceed in making a painting of it...

Monday, 3 March 2008

The Argo going through the Simbligades Cliffs
Study for illustration

The drowning of the Titans by Poseidon after their war with the gods
(face of Poseidon, Top Left)
Study for illustration

King Minos welcomes the unsuspecting Athenian youth to be sacrificed to the Minotaur
Studies for environment illustration

King Minos of Crete study for illustration

A drawing I did at the IKEA cafe while waiting for the store to open

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Snowed in VW...


8 months in the making

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Cuban Flag
Acrylic 35cmx49cm
I painted this as a gift for a friend